Platform for psychological tests
Metrisquare is a platform in which psychological tests and other instruments for measuring cognitive functions are developed, distributed, used, marked and reported: a modern publisher with at its root an active community of test developers.
Metrisquare provides worldwide services. We are located in The Netherlands. Are you interested in becoming a local reseller, integrator or research partner? Contact us to discuss options.
Cognitive tests
A wide range of cognitive tests is available in the Metrisquare platform, e.g. for testing visual perception, memory, executive functioning or motor functioning.
Cognitive training
Use existing training tasks found in our platform, or create them yourself using the development module.
Scientific research
Various universities have already used Metrisquare for their scientific research. Many of the experiments created in those projects have resulted in new testbatteries.
Create and share
Use the fully graphical test development module to create a test without programming, and share it with the users in the platform.
Join the community
Create an account for Metrisquare and start using the various cognitive tests or create your own instruments.
Save time
Shorter preparation times, less efforts during testing and reports are available instantly.
Measure more
All responses, including accurate timestamps, are recorded automatically.
Focus on the client
Since all recordings occur automatically, you will finally have time to observe the client again!