Scientific research

Metrisquare has been working on various research projects together with various top clinical institutes and universities, for many years. Among our references are Groningen University, Radboud University Nijmegen, Maastricht University and Ghent University. These research projects resulted in various scientific studies and publications, e.g.:

Radboud University Kessels R., Montagne B., Hendriks A., Perret D., De Haan E. (2013). Perception of morphed facial expressions: Norms for the Emotion Recognition Task (ERT) for ages 8-75. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19(Suppl. 1), 109.
RevArte Rehabilitation Hospital Desmet I. (2015) The RevArte Visual Search Task: a Pilot Study (Poster)
Ghent University Vaes N., Lafosse C., Nys G., Schevernels H., Dereymaeker L., Oostra K., Hemelsoet D., Vingerhoets G. (2015) Capturing peripersonal spatial neglect: an electronic method to quantify visuospatial processes.
RevArte Rehabilitation Hospital Desmet I., Lafosse C. (2015) The RevArte Visual Search Task: A Sensitive Computerized Visual Search Test Using Touch-Screen Technology (Master thesis)
KU Leuven Note E., Lafosse C. (2015) De sensitiviteit van de computerondersteunde RevArte Visual Search Task bij mild traumatisch hersenletsel (Master thesis)
Ghent University Vaes N., Lafosse C., Hemelsoet D., Van Tichelt E., Oostra K., Vingerhoets G. (2015) Contraversive Neglect? A Modulation of Visuospatial Neglect in Association With Contraversive Pushing.
Maastricht University Schreurs S., Stapert S. In de Braek D. DiagnoseIS: A Computerized Form of Cognitive Testing at the Memory Clinic
VU Amsterdam Castien N., De Vroege L. A promising study on a Neuropsychological Screener.
Radboud University Van Hoeijen J., Hendriks M., (2015). Digitalisering en Validering van de Color Word Interference Task
Groningen University Dries S., Brouwer W. Fürmaier A., The theoretical background and practical applications of Whole Body Vibration (2013)
Kispi Zürich Lüscher, N., Wirth, B., Van Hedel, H. (2014). Reliability of pressure recordings and validity of a computerized visual perception test.

Other usecases and active projects can be found in our list of usecases. The instruments, created by our users and shared in the platform, are also listed on this website.

The following video is recorded at Utrecht University, where scientists use the Metrisquare platform for neuropsychological testing.